{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This land use/land cover was produced for the purpose of statewide base mapping and to update the State of Delaware's existing 2007 Land Use Land Cover dataset to 2012 conditions.", "description": "

The 2012 Land Use Land Cover (LULC) update was performed using computer interactive heads-up digitizing techniques and ArcGIS software. The baseline datasets were year 2012 digital CIR orthophotos and the State\u2019s existing 2007 LULC data. The data was digitally subdivided into working production modules based on the 1:24,000 scale USGS topographic quadrangle system. The LULC update was performed per the modified Anderson, et al., LULC classification and 2 acre minimum mapping unit (140\u2019 width) established for the State\u2019s previous LULC Update projects. The work was performed by Aerial Information Systems, Inc. (AIS) of Redlands, California.AIS staff analysts compared the State\u2019s existing 2007 LULC data to the 2012 project imagery. Every polygon was reviewed for change, accuracy of polygon boundaries, and adherence to the 2012 LULC classification and mapping criteria. Polygon boundaries and codes were modified as necessary through the addition of new lines and codes or the modification of existing arcs. In addition, large obvious errors in the 2007 data were retroactively (\u2018retro\u201d) corrected. The \u201cretro\u201d mapping process helps to ensure a more accurate baseline dataset for change analysis studies. The 2012 LULC interpretations were incorporated directly into the baseline 2007 LULC coverage to create a final composite coverage containing LULC information for both eras. Each polygon in the composite coverage was assigned an item for 2012 and 2007. Where no LULC change had occurred, the LULC class for both item years remained the same. Where a LULC change did occur, new boundaries were added to the data set as needed, subdividing the existing 2007 polygon, and the polygons were attributed for the appropriate 2012 LULC type. This method ensured that the different layers seamlessly co-registered to each other, creating a sliver free coverage for use in change analysis studies.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "This land use/land cover was produced for the purpose of statewide base mapping and to update the State of Delaware's existing 2007 Land Use Land Cover dataset to 2012 conditions.", "title": "State of Delaware 2012 Land Use/Land Cover Update", "tags": [ "United States of America (USA)", "Mid Atlantic", "Delaware (DE)", "Sussex County", "Kent County", "New Castle County", "imageryBaseMapsEarthCover", "Aerial Photography", "Digital Orthophotography", "Color Infrared", "Leaf-off Photogrpahy", "Land Use Land Cover" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Mapped by Aerial Information Systems, Inc., for the Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination", "licenseInfo": "

For planning purposes only.<\/SPAN><\/P>

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