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Land Use dataset for New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties in the State of Delaware. This Land Use dataset represents land use classification for the State of Delaware for two time periods: 2017 and 2022. This dataset originates from Aerial Information Systems, Inc who were tasked with updating the state of Delaware's existing 2012 GIS Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) and Impervious Surface datasets to 2017 conditions. The UVM Spatial Analysis Lab received the updated 2017 layer, and using a detailed manual review system, corrected and edited this dataset to 2017 orthorectified imagery of the State of Delaware as necessary. Additionally, the dataset was edited to accommodate an update that includes 2022 land use classification, using a detailed manual review system and 2022 orthorectified imagery of the State of Delaware. The manual review was carried out at a scale of 1:5000, and all observable errors were corrected. 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